Studies conducted by the USDA show that over-farming has led to a consistent depletion of essential minerals from the soil and our resulting food supply. So BlackMP Living Water was created. BlackMP products contain the highest quality ingredients on the market today, including USDA Certified Organic Fulvic and Humic Minerals, SBO Probiotics and Electrolytes. All of these ingredients combine to make BlackMP a truly refreshing drink and the Perfect Alternative Beverage to today’s carbonated soft drinks and sugary sports drinks. Learn more about us at
How we are different? Most mineral waters in the market right now contain ground up rocks from one or two minerals. “BlackMP has all organic ingredients, including USDA Certified Fulvic and Humic, over 77+ Essential Minerals, SBO Probiotics and Electrolytes; that when taken together, create BlackMP LIVING WATER. (MP= Minerals & Probiotics). BlackMP is the Perfect Alternative to caffeine, carbonated and sugary sports drinks.
The Minerals in BlackMP come from the natural process of humification
Our minerals come from the natural process of humification. Studies show that this process takes place over millions of years. It’s a result of fruit trees and vegetation decaying and pressurizing to form complex substances rich in essential minerals, amino acids, electrolytes and other beneficial compounds. BlackMP includes the minerals that result from this process of humification. The organic Fulvic and Humic Minerals in BlackMP have more than 77+ trace minerals and elements. Studies have shown that these minerals may benefit the immune system and improve cell metabolism and detoxification and brain function; while other studies have shown how probiotics are good for your gut.